This Old Bird Has Started To Tweet

Saturday 25th January 2014

I've recently thrown myself into the world of Twitter, something I've been avoiding up until now. For me the idea of being restricted to 140 characters seems like pure frustration wrapped up in a website, harking back to the bad old days of early texting when you had to edit down what you wanted to say (in an attempt to keep it down to one SMS and save your credit) 'ntil it nolonger lkd nefin lik wt u wntd 2say' but instead resembled the early attempts of an infant school child to communicate with their class teacher in their homework book. This struggle hailed the mainstream acceptance of text speak and the death of the sanctity of proper English. Luckily this doesn't seem to have percolated into the Twitter world to such an extreme as I had thought, although it seems to have swept through youth culture like wildfire. Am I just getting too old to understand this trend? Maybe so, but as I started off by saying I've just begun to embrace the world of Twitter and Tweeting so there may be hope for me yet!